Freedom for the Captives
Isaiah 61 announces the reasons for and result of the Lord's coming:
to heal the brokenhearted;
to proclaim freedom for the captives;
to comfort those who mourn;
to replace the spirit of despair with the garment of joyous praise;
to rebuild the ruined cities and restore the devastated, desolate areas.
Is This Promise for You?
In Luke 4, Jesus reads this Scripture from Isaiah, and tells us the prophesy has been fulfilled. This means you can have these promises of God...the promised freedom, joy and peace...NOW!
Yet many still feel as if they live in bondage, behind bars within themselves, captive to their past, their pain and their fear. If you wonder why you don't fully EXPERIENCE Jesus' promised freedom, there is a reason.
The "father of lies" has a different plan for you. In the midst of painful experiences, the enemy presents to you a set of lies, which seem very true in that moment of wounding. Those lies are then adopted by your heart as "truth" because they FEEL true at that critical moment, and from that point forward, until the lies are replaced with the truth from Jesus, those lies hold you in bondage to your pain and captive to the feelings. You use those lies to interpret events in your life, and the pain resurfaces again and again. So is there anything we can do about this bondage to false beliefs?
The surprising answer is NO. Not on our own. No individual effort, no counselor, no pastor, in fact NO ONE can completely remove these deep lies...without the hand of the Lord Jesus Christ setting you free with His truth. Aletheia Christian Counseling depends on the Lord Jesus Christ to be the Wonderful Counselor. It was in His coming that the Isaiah prophesy is fulfilled and true freedom from bondage was made possible for all of us. With that knowledge, we turn to Jesus in prayer during our sessions. We seek the truth in prayer, and Jesus removes the lies in the individual's heart and replaces each one with His truth. Through Jesus, you can be truly free.
Prisoner to Lies
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. |
The Lord Heals
With Jesus as your counselor, then what is our job at Aletheia? Our job is twofold: Our first job is to assist you in finding the lies you believe. When you are in the lies, they FEEL TRUE. This is an important point. How can you find a lie if it doesn't appear to be a lie to you? In fact, since it feels very true to you and you are accustomed to the belief and accompanying feelings being there, it is very difficult or impossible for you to uncover and identify the lies for what they are. The first stage of the counseling process is somewhat like a scavenger hunt, where we explore your history and search out lie beliefs from your past. We then present the lies we have uncovered to you in the form of simple statements, and assist you in understanding how the lies have effected you in your life, and how they operate in your feelings in the present. This identification process sets the stage for going to Jesus in prayer with specific requests for truth to replace the lies.
Our other important job includes several elements, and involves our role with you in the process of prayer. We act as prayer partner, praying in agreement with you and inteceding on your behalf before Jesus. We are responsible for discerning deception and the actions of the enemy, and standing against the deception under the authority of Christ, so that you can focus in prayer on listening to Jesus rather than on spiritual warfare. Finally, we serve through offering our faith on your behalf. We know from our own experience the total healing that comes from Jesus bringing His truth in a personal and individual way to your heart. As a result, we have a Hebrews 11 faith, a knowledge of what to expect from Jesus and trust in Him to do what He promises. If you struggle with trust in God, or if your faith has areas of weakness, then our "knowledge" faith can stand up for you until the Lord brings you your own knowledge, and your heart is set free.
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Would You Like to Know More?
You can read more details about the counselors and the counseling process on the page entitled "About Aletheia." If you are interested in our counseling specifically developed for couples, read about Coaptive Therapy on the page entitled "Just for Couples." To learn more about the lies you may be believing, the feelings those lies generate, and how the lies develop, check out "What Lies." Our statement of faith is also available for you to read. For contact information, click on "Contact Us" or send us an email. We look forward to working with you and sharing the privilege of observing Jesus heal you! |

To Reveal the Father's Love
God's promises are eternal.
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